This Computer Science Journal follows a Double-Blind Peer Review process. Computer science engineering journal aims to promote interdisciplinary studies in engineering in computer science and become the leading journal in computer science engineering in the world. The goal of this journal is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on Computer science & Computer Engineering advancements, and establishing new collaborations in these areas. Authors are solicited to contribute to this journal by submitting articles for the development of computer science engineering fields.
Scope of Computer Science Journal
The Computer science journal publishes refereed theoretical as well as qualitative and quantitative substantive and applied research papers in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Bioinformatics, Case-Based Reasoning, Computer GRID, Computational Statistics, Database, Data Analysis, Data Mining, Distributed Algorithms, Financial Engineering, Hardware Systems, Imaging Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Internet Computing, Networking, Operations Research Scientific Computing, Software Engineering and Its Application, Distributed Architectures, Distributed Databases, Distributed Intelligent Information Systems, Distributed Operating Systems, E-learning, Edge Computing, Evolutionary Computation, Fog Computing, High-Performance Systems, Implementation of AI Bioinformatics, Implementation of AI Biotechnology, AI in Mobile Device Development, Intelligent Environments, Intelligent Interaction, Knowledge Management, Knowledge Representation, Languages, Compilers, Planning, Load Balancing, Learning Through Reinforcement, Artificial Intelligence in Law, Logic, Middleware, Mobile and Wireless Systems, Model-Based Reasoning, Multiagent Systems, Multimedia and Distributed Animation Systems, Networks, Neural Networks, Other Learning Models, Other Reasoning Models, Planning and Scheduling Tasks, Qualitative Reasoning, Real-Time Systems, Non-monotonic reasoning, Reasoning with uncertainty, Robotics and Control, Satisfaction of Restrictions, Heuristic Search, Security, Software Engineering and Formal Methods, Decision Support Systems, Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Systems, Internet Technology, Temporal and Spatial Reasoning, Trade and Electronic Business, etc.