International Journal of Computing and Artificial Intelligence

P-ISSN: 2707-6571, E-ISSN: 2707-658X
Printed Journal   |   Refereed Journal   |   Peer Reviewed Journal

2024, Vol. 5, Issue 1, Part A

Navigating the impact of artificial intelligence on humanistic medicine

Author(s): Jacob Welch, Humza Bashir, Elizabeth Leach and Megan Wells

Abstract: The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into human medicine has catalyzed a shift in healthcare, promising enhanced efficiency, precision, and accessibility. However, this technological evolution raises concerns regarding its impact on the humanistic facets of medicine. To address these concerns, a balanced approach advocating for human-AI collaboration is needed. By leveraging AI as a supportive tool while preserving the empathetic and communicative elements inherent to patient care, healthcare providers can optimize decision-making processes and foster meaningful patient interactions.

DOI: 10.33545/27076571.2024.v5.i1a.85

Pages: 59-60 | Views: 86 | Downloads: 48

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International Journal of Computing and Artificial Intelligence
How to cite this article:
Jacob Welch, Humza Bashir, Elizabeth Leach, Megan Wells. Navigating the impact of artificial intelligence on humanistic medicine. Int J Comput Artif Intell 2024;5(1):59-60. DOI: 10.33545/27076571.2024.v5.i1a.85
International Journal of Computing and Artificial Intelligence

International Journal of Computing and Artificial Intelligence

International Journal of Computing and Artificial Intelligence
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