International Journal of Computing, Programming and Database Management

P-ISSN: 2707-6636, E-ISSN: 2707-6644
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2021, Vol. 2, Issue 2, Part A

Image super-resolution and noise-resilient super-resolution using end-to-end deep learning

Author(s): Devi P and Boyella Mala Konda Reddy

Abstract: The advancement in profound learning estimations for different PC vision issues convinces our report. For picture super-objectives, we propose a novel start to finish profound learning-based system. This design at the same time decides the convolutional highlights of low-goal (LR) and high-goal (HR) picture fixes, just as the non-direct force that maps these LR picture fix convolutional highlights to their relating HR picture fix convolutional highlights. The proposed profound learning-based picture super-objectives design is named coupled profound convolutional auto-encoder (CDCA) in this paper, and it produces cutting edge results. Super-objectives of an uproarious/curved LR picture results in loud/bended HR pictures, as the super-objectives strategy gives rise to spatial relationship in the commotion, and it can't be de-noised viably. Until super-objectives, most uproar flexible picture super-objectives methods do a de-noising gauge. Be that as it may, the de-noising technique brings about the shortfall of some high-repeat information (edges and surface nuances), and the subsequent picture's super-objectives bring about HR pictures without edges and surface information. We're likewise proposing a pristine start to finish profound learning-based design for acquiring upheaval high picture super-objectives

DOI: 10.33545/27076636.2021.v2.i2a.26

Pages: 11-14 | Views: 772 | Downloads: 312

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International Journal of Computing, Programming and Database Management
How to cite this article:
Devi P, Boyella Mala Konda Reddy. Image super-resolution and noise-resilient super-resolution using end-to-end deep learning. Int J Comput Programming Database Manage 2021;2(2):11-14. DOI: 10.33545/27076636.2021.v2.i2a.26
International Journal of Computing, Programming and Database Management

International Journal of Computing, Programming and Database Management

International Journal of Computing, Programming and Database Management
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