Librarianship and information work in Ghana: Its impact, accessibility, services and development
Author(s): Mark Quaye Affum
Librarianship is quiet an old profession in Ghana even before the establishment of the Ghana library authority and the Ghana library association. The Ghana library board has been the main regulatory body of librarianship within the country. Though it has been in existence with branches within each of the ten region of the country, the development of the industry in the country has been very disappointing. For the credentials of information and library workers to go up or upgrade the government of management of the various tertiary institutions should reduce the cost of pursuing programs in librarianship and information studies. They should also reduce the number of years it takes to earn a degree in library and information studies. This study also looks at other issues that will develop the stat of the industry within the country making it very useful and part of the Ghanaian life.
Mark Quaye Affum. Librarianship and information work in Ghana: Its impact, accessibility, services and development. Int J Comput Programming Database Manage 2020;1(1):56-60. DOI: 10.33545/27076636.2020.v1.i1a.69